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Folded Money Shirt


As we're sure you are aware, we like being creative, and this includes how we leave a tip or gift money! So today we're going to take you step by step on how to fold U.S. currency into a shirt!

We opted to use a $2 bill because A. we like being weird, B. we've been collecting $2 bills since birth (literally our mother started collecting $2 for us in the hospital when we were born) and C. the shirt pattern always looks great:)

So first things first, grab your bill.


Fold in half (the side showing after you fold will be the side you see on your shirt)


unfold and fold the top edge down to the center line.


And fold the bottom edge up to the center line.


Now turn the bill over and fold a side in about 1/3". This will be the collar on the shirt, so make the fold as thin or as wide as you'd like the collar to be.


Flip the bill back over and on the same side you folded back the collar, fold the edge at a diagonal so the point reaches the center like this:


And repeat on the other side. This will be the collar, so try to visualize how you want your collar to look before you crease your folds where you want them.


Your bill should look like this:


Now, you're going to want to fold the body of the shirt, and to do that you have to guess and check for 1/3 folds up to the collar. We find if you put your finger just above the center of the bill towards the collar, and fold the collared end up, that will be about a third. The third with the collar will be the "top third".


You'll want to check your thirds by folding the shirt body and checking it will fit just right under the collar, not too short or too long.


Once you're sure the thirds are in their proper place, unfold the body and the crease between the bottom and middle third will be where you want to pull the sleeves from. To do so, invert the crease on the edge and pinch together while pulling slightly outwards.


You will then want to fold the bill back into it's body thirds and continue pulling the sleeve until it looks how you want it to look.


Repeat on the opposite side, unfolding the bill, inverting the crease and pinching the sleeve and pulling outwards.


Fold the body back onto it's self and you should see your two sleeves showing!


Now fold the body with the sleeves up to the collar


and tuck it under the flaps on the collar like this:


And there you have it! Your completed shirt! See how perfectly it fits together!


Now practice that a few more times so you've got it in your memory bank and leave a fun tip, gift money in a cute way, pay a kid for doing work in a creative way... you get the picture:) Leave us a comment below on how you used your new found love of money folding!:)


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