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Wine Bottle Light


Time:10 Minutes (more if consuming the wine before starting project)

Cost:Under $5

Hello, hello! Today's DIY tutorial is quick and easy! As you know, we love to upcycle and this wine bottle light is no exception!

Here's what you'll need:

1 Wine Bottle or Bottle of Wine (if you chose a bottle of wine (and over 21), drink contents first)

1 Wine Opener with Knife (or thick knife for cutting cork)

1 8' String of Lights

1 Old Sponge or Rag

Acetone, Acetone Based Nail Polish Remover, Goo-Gone or the like

To begin, you'll need to remove the label on your wine bottle. We soaked our empty wine bottle with our dishes we neglected to wash last night:) Peel off paper, place acetone (or other gunk remover) on the old sponge or rage and scrub in circular motions to remove any remaining glue or paper.

Once your bottle is clean and dry, start inserting the light strand into the bottle.

Make sure you leave just enough cord to plug into the outlet you're going to use for your wine bottle light (this is easy to adjust in the future).

Find the middle of your cork and use the knife to cut straight down the middle, stopping about half way down.

You'll want to make sure the cut is thick enough for the light strand to fit in the groove.

Once you think your cut is thick enough, fit the light strand into the groove you cut in the cork and push the cork into the bottle.

Adjust the amount of cord left out of the bottle until you have just enough to reach the outlet.

Add any embellishment, ribbon, or in our case faux grapes to the top of the bottle, plug in, and enjoy your new light!

Quick and easy right?! Now let us see your projects by posting a photo below in the comment section!

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