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Yep, that's right, it's 2016, the world is full of resolutions and here at we're going to try something new everyday! If you're reading this blog, you're probably a DIYer and/or Pinterester so you'll know where we're coming from when we say we pin lots of things and say, "We're definitely going to give that a try!" and then 3 months later you haven't even looked at that board, but by golly you've pinned 1,587 other ideas to it! Well folks, today is the day we're start trying all of these fun ideas floating around the internet. We're not going to hinder ourselves by taking step by step pictures, but we'll be trying and reviewing the projects, make-up tutorials, beauty routines, and other DIY's we deem interesting.

Today, being the "special" day it is, will get a few more reviews than other days, but to start, Mysha tested Mind Body Green's baking soda and vinegar hair routine.

However, like most DIYers, we took the liberty of making the following tweeks to fit our needs:

*USE HOT WATER TO MIX WITH YOUR BAKING SODA AND VINEGAR! (Here we are in -2 degree F weather and we're silly enough to just add water to the mixture without thinking through how uncomfortably cold the mixture will be once applied.)

*1:1 Ratio for baking soda and water to create the "shampoo". This made a more managable liquid to apply to the hair. I ended up using 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup water in order to cover my fairly thick, down to my bum hair.

*1:3 Ratio for Apple Cider vinegar to water for the rinse and add essential oil. We used 1/2 cup acv and 1 1/2 cups water with 2 drops of essential oil (this time Ameo brand Ylang-Ylang complete and Grapefruit essential oils were used)


*The cold mixtures were uncomfortable, so use hot water if you'd prefer.

*The original amount of baking soda we tried to use didn't even cover the roots, so don't skimp here, make more baking soda/water mix than you think you'll need.

*You will start questioning yourself once the baking soda is in your hair and there's no foam and your hair feels more tangled than it started, but once your hair is rinsed and you pour the vinegar mix over your hair the results will be clear! My hair rinsed out very smooth!

*It's hard to keep your eyes closed while also trying to make sure you're getting your hair good and covered/rinsed, so if you're going to try this more than once, we recommend buying a 2 pack of condiment dispensers so you have more control over where your hair care products end up.

*You don't have to add essential oils to your vinegar/water rinse, but your hair will benefit (and smell nice) if you do, and according to (we use Ameo brand essential oils as they are the only clinical grade oils on the market and most of the oils we use can be ingested) Ylang-Ylang will promote thicker, healthier hair, Rosemary stimulates hair growth, Grapefruit uplifts your mood and increases mental clarity... The list goes on, but these are our three favorites for hair care.

Let us know if you tried this, and how it worked for you. If you made any changes, let us know!

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